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Who are we?

We are immigrant women residing in Sweden who are encouraged to integrate and carve their way to different aspects of societal life.

Our Objectives
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Our Values


The reason for our presence is to create an integrated society in Sweden.  


We fully respect all social and cultural differences amongst our members.


 We provide solidarity equally to women from all religions, languages, races, and views.  

Our Mission

To offer a platform that will provide knowledge, experience, network, and solidarity to the immigrant women in Sweden which will enable them to stand on their own feet and ease their integration into society.

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Our Vision

To be a women’s solidarity association to which each immigrant woman who wishes to realize their integration into Sweden within the shortest time can easily have access to.

Our Objectives

Immigrant women to:

  • Strongly and actively show their presence in every field of social, cultural, economic, and political life.

  • Providing support to the completion of their integration into society is the prior aim of all our projects and events. 

  • Providing psycho-social support for negative effects of immigration and asylum processes on immigrant women. 

  • To form digital and participatory platforms. To form mechanisms which will minimize the obstacles and demotivating factors on women’s way to social integration and keep their motivation continuous.

  • To ensure immigrant women’s involvement in every field of social life starting from daily life practices.

  • To support immigrant women who have succeeded in participating in social life and enable them to stay within the active social life.

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Our Strategy

  • To work towards the stable and healthy integration of immigrant women into Sweden.

  • To accommodate immigrant women’s experience and knowledge and adapt them to the needs and realities of Sweden supporting the integration of immigrant women in Sweden.

  • To cooperate with local administrations, NGO’s prominent actors in the field and educational and health institutions to create strong support networks for women.

  • To transform the implementations of ideas and projects to be produced into local and global values by blending them with universal languages such as sports and art.

  • To share knowledge and experience to contribute improvement of Sweden’s migrant policies. 

Our Projects & Action Plan

  • To conduct up to date research on immigrant women to support better information exchange on migration policies.

  • To partake in women’s networks to reflect immigrant women’s perspectives on local and international platforms.

  • To organize training, panels, conferences, seminars, and workshops with content and methods by determining topics based on time and needs, from which our members will benefit from.

  • To actively attend local, national, and international events, conferences and workshops as an association, to expand our potential stakeholder network such as local associations, NGO’s prominent in the field, fund boards and to consider strategic collaboration opportunities.

  • To provide consultancy services for women who request any support by developing collaborations with multiple service providers working in Sweden.

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Hand in Hand for Women is a non-governmental, non-profit, and non-partisan organization. The organization positions itself equally to any political opinion groups. Hand in Hand for Women is distant to any ideological hierarchies or discriminative discourse.

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